How Often Should You Do Kettlebell Workouts to Lose Weight?

Although weight training is not usually associated with weight loss, kettlebells are uniquely capable of boosting your aerobic capacity and helping you lose weight. More importantly, kettlebell workouts engage the whole body during movement, particularly the large muscle groups throughout your back, core, and legs. As a result, this workout is super effective at burning calories, which is the key to losing weight.


6 Efficient Kettlebell Exercises You Can Do In Your Home Gym

Are you looking for a way to get an efficient and effective workout without having to leave the comfort of your own home? If so, kettlebell exercises may be just what you are looking for! Kettlebells provide a great total-body workout and can be done in a relatively small space. In this blog post, we will discuss six of the best kettlebell exercises that you can do in your home gym. Let's get started!


What Muscles Does The Kettlebell Swing Work?

“Yeah, that looks cool. But what muscles are worked from doing kettlebell swings?” After teaching kettlebells for over a decade, this is a common question I’ve heard from many people. The easy answer is, “it’s a total body exercise”. But it’s time to clear things up and define the exact muscles worked during kettlebell swings.


Rock Climbing Exercises You Can Do With A Kettlebell

Rock climbing has increased immensely in popularity over the last several years. Thanks largely in part to the stunning documentary, Free Solo, featuring world-renowned climber Alex Honnold. This movie not only captivated audiences but has inspired amateur climbers across the globe. While not everyone has the option to frequently pursue this passion, there are several rock climbing exercises to prime one's body for the experience.


5 Kettlebell Exercises You Should Try at Home

Working out at home has increased in popularity since many countries entered lockdown. One issue people faced was that many suppliers ran out of dumbbells and barbells. Interestingly, kettlebells seemed to still be in stock – or at least, the issues faced with buying cheap kettlebells were not as bad as with other types of weightlifting equipment.


2021 Kettlebell Challenge – Mastering The Dead Clean

The kettlebell clean is an exercise with dozens of variations as detailed in Cavemantraining's Master The Kettlebell Clean. In my opinion, it's probably one of the most underrated kettlebell exercises and doesn't receive as much acclaim as the swing, snatch, or press. This is likely due to the quick action of the move. However, in order to get the most benefits from the clean, it's important to practice proper technique.


How To Lose Weight with Your Kettlebell

In my 10 years of coaching several hundred busy adults to swing a kettlebell to get into better shape, I've seen a common trend. Hardworking men and women who are committed to their health and fitness. Adults new to kettlebells and working out who never get into the kind of shape they dream about. People who take class after class of boot camps and spinning and are constantly seeking the next exercise trend.


Kettlebell Core Strengthening Exercises For Seniors

Strengthening your core has many benefits for your overall health and well-being. It is made up of many groups of muscles centered around the torso. This includes abs, lower back, pelvis, and hips. This network of muscles is responsible for balance and stability allowing your arms, legs, and spine to move in unison. As we age we tend to not use these muscles as frequently which leads to a weakened core. These kettlebell exercises help to solve that problem without exerting too much stress on the body.


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