Best Kettlebell Books For Training, Workouts and Dieting
If you prefer to learn by reading instead of watching DVDs then you’re in luck. We’ve put together a list of the 5 best physical kettlebell books as well as the 5 best kettlebell e-books. Topics include learning proper technique, exercises, weight loss and dieting, and of course, workout programs. Whether you’re new to kettlebells or have extensive experience, these books have something for every skill level.
So what can you expect? Well, we believe that every good kettlebell book should have detailed pictures with easy-to-follow instructions. Since there are different goals that can be accomplished by using kettlebells (building strength, losing weight, rehab, etc.), the following list should be used as a guide to choosing the right book for YOUR goal.
Perhaps you’re an athlete looking to gain an edge against competitors. Or maybe you’re tired of being overweight and want to shed pounds quickly. Whatever the reason, you’ll find a great resource for kettlebell training.
E-Books By Cavemantraining
Let’s start off by previewing the various guides and workout programs offered digitally by Cavemantraining. There’s a good reason for only showcasing e-books from one source. Quite simply, we’re confident they are the most comprehensive, thorough, and yet easy-to-follow collection of kettlebell books you’ll find anywhere.
Taco Fleur, the driving force behind Cavemantraining, eats, sleeps, and breathes all things kettlebell. He’s helped build a community of kettlebell enthusiasts and trainers exceeding 10,000 members. His technical approach blended with compassion has helped many men and women with no gym experience reach their fitness goals. Last year, we had the opportunity to interview him which should provide all the insights you need as to why he’s one of our favorite kettlebell trainers.
Some of these books are also available on paperback but if you’re looking to get instant access, the kindle editions won’t disappoint. Several are available with the Kindle Unlimited plan which you can sign up for a free trial. Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the hottest sellers from Cavemantraining.
If you’d like to skip directly to the physical books, click here.
1. Kettlebell Exercise Encylopedia
This might just be the magnum opus of kettlebell training guides produced by Cavemantraining. There are over 440 pages filled with terminology, instructions, step-by-step photos, and variations of more than a dozen kettlebell exercises. You’ll learn how to perform these moves the right way as well as learn to avoid specific mistakes. The information is provided in such a way as not to overwhelm but properly train you to get the most out of each exercise.
In fact, this encyclopedia is so massive that it is even offered in 5 volumes should you wish to focus on a few exercises at a time. These installments are of course cheaper than the entire collection but if you want to master them all, go with the full version in pdf available directly on
One of the benefits of having this kettlebell book in digital form is the ability to click on the embedded video links. Several bonus videos are easily accessible throughout the book that further detail certain moves. You’ll also see links to all of the various kettlebell groups and communities created by Taco Fleur and Cavemantraining. Members range from beginners to highly skilled trainers and everyone is encouraged to share their progress!
Encylopedia Volumes Include:
- VOL. 1: Kettlebell carry, clean, curl, and getup exercise variations
- VOL. 2: Kettlebell isometric, kneeling, lift, and lunge exercise variations
- VOL. 3: Kettlebell press, push-up, row, and snatch exercise variations
- VOL. 4: Kettlebell squat, swing, and windmill exercise variations
- VOL. 5: Kettlebell combos, isolation, and multi-planar exercise variations
Kettlebell Book Features:
- Detailed Exercises – More than a dozen core kettlebell exercises with multiple variations each are covered in great detail.
- Goals/Benefits Breakdown – A chart outlines specific goals and target areas for the listed exercises. Choose from strength, cardio, endurance and more.
- Weight Guide – Know which kettlebell weight is right for your experience and skill level depending on the type of work you want to concentrate on.
What People Are Saying:
Some customers have expressed these feelings about the product
In regards to the level of detail provided
Customer feedback: A great resource with lots of options for each exercise.
In regards to learning technique of kettlebell exercises
Customer feedback: Makes for great reference material before hitting the gym.
2. Kettlebell Workouts and Challenges 1.0 & 2.0
Containing 40+ workouts each, Kettlebell Workouts and Challenges 1.0 and 2.0 features a wide assortment ranhing from short, intense, full-body, mobility, strength, and more. Most of them can be scaled depending on your fitness level. Even kettlebell veterans have been impressed with the depth of these workouts.
In addition to the workouts, the book also has kettlebell challenges that will test your abilities and keep you motivated. Even better is the fact that these books also have accompanying video links to ensure you’re applying proper technique. Plus, you’ll get several bonuses in the form of downloadable pdf’s. Heck, there’s even a free mobile app for workouts.
If you’re looking to challenge yourself with kettlebell workouts, this book lives up to its name. Workouts are either timed or in the form of AMRAP (as many rounds as possible). The latter will surely keep you motivated to break personal bests or records. You won’t be disappointed!
Kettlebell Book Features:
- 40+ Workouts – These workouts comprise a variety of different styles focusing on strength, intensity, mobility, endurance, and full-body.
- Various Challenges – Are you up to the task? These challenges aren’t for the faint of heart. Prepare to be tested!
- Videos & Bonuses – Detailed videos show you exactly how you should be performing certain kettlebell moves. You’ll also get access to downloadable pdf’s and a mobile app.
What People Are Saying:
Some customers have expressed these feelings about the product
In regards to the variety of included workouts
Customer feedback: There are many fantastic workouts for both beginners and experienced kettlebell users. They are well explained and easy to follow.
In regards to the varying workout durations
Customer feedback: Workouts can range on the shorter side from 5-6 minutes all the way to 45+ minutes. No more excuses for lack of time.
3. Kettlebell Training Fundamentals
Whereas the Kettlebell Exercise Encyclopedia covers the core exercises, this training book answers questions that many beginners are sure to have. Why train with them? Are they safe? How can I avoid injury and pain? These are just some examples of what you can expect to learn during your progression through kettlebell training.
There are a couple of sections that are very extensive such as the part detailing gripping the kettlebell. In that particular area, Taco explains over 20 different ways for gripping and why you should use them. Likewise, the cleaning and racking section provides variations and tips that are essential to transitioning to and from many popular kettlebell exercises.
While people who’ve been using kettlebells for months and years will absolutely benefit from this book, it really is designed for the newcomer. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never lifted a weight in your life or what physical condition you’re in. The fact is you can accomplish your fitness goals in a short period of time no matter your age, gender, flexibility, mobility, and so forth. With proper training and experience, a 70-year-old man can be stronger and fitter than the typical 40-year-old man!
Kettlebell Book Features:
- Beginner Friendly – Requires no prior knowledge or experience with kettlebells. If you’ve used them in the past and became discouraged because of pain, this book will fix those issues.
- Emphasizes “Why” – Many other books explain the how but few answer the why of kettlebells for doing a specific task.
- Audiobook Version Available – For those who prefer to listen rather than read, this book is available for free when you sign up for the Audible Trial
What People Are Saying:
Some customers have expressed these feelings about the product
In regards to the presentation
Customer feedback: It’s humorous, relatable, and extremely practical. Full of interesting facts and methods.
In regards to the training applications
Customer feedback: Combines strength and cardio training with just a single kettlebell!
4. Kettlebell Strength Program Prometheus
This six-week program utilizes just 3 kettlebell exercises to build overall strength in different areas of the body. As simple as it may be, don’t expect to coast through this program without putting forth some serious effort. Like the aforementioned books, this one has photos and video links too.
After completing the program and provided you follow and stick to the workouts, you’ll look and feel much better than when you started. Strength and stability will be vastly improved in the shoulders, hips, arms, legs, and core. You’ll want to have a heavy kettlebell or two handy to really reap the benefits. Instructor Taco Fleur uses massive 48kg/106lb and 32kg/70lb kettlebells while demonstrating this program, although, you can use lighter than the recommended weights if desired.
He seems to have a plan for every circumstance and if you’re too sore to train, there’s advice on how to proceed. There’s also alternative exercises in case you want to mix things up or go a different route. This is a tough program so make sure you have the right expectations when going in!
Kettlebell Book Features:
- Six-Week Course – Feel better and much stronger in just six weeks. No complicated or intricate movements involved.
- Incorporates Rest & Accountability – Keeping the muscles primed and staying motivated are vital to succeeding in this program. These topics are included for your benefit.
- Requires 1 Kettlebell – While having two provides more options, you only need just 1 kettlebell for the program.
What People Are Saying:
Some customers have expressed these feelings about the product
In regards to the difficulty
Customer feedback: Very challenging program, even having much prior kettlebell experience. It’s a grind for sure.
In regards to the instructions and following along
Customer feedback: The directions are clear and concise. That’s about the only thing that is easy with this program.
5. Snatch Physics
Dubbed the king of kettlebell exercises, the snatch is a full-body exercise that works every area of the body. Mastering it will allow you to safely increase your rep counts and yield incredible results for your body. So complex is this move that this book actually has you work on various techniques throughout a 21-day period.
Beginners and enthusiasts will learn a lot from the descriptions, photos, and video links included. Still, trainers will also likely learn things they never knew to incorporate in classes for their own students. All the secrets and tips that Taco has learned through his decade-plus of teaching others are revealed in great detail.
The snatch is by far the one exercise that you can’t muscle your way through. Improper technique with lighter kettlebells will only get you so far. If you want to learn how to lift heavier kettlebells than you normally would then Snatch Physics is the book for you.
Kettlebell Book Features:
- Learn in 21 Days – Points of emphasis are broken down into 21 days for a manageable but effective way to learn the snatch.
- Great for Athletes & Enthusiasts – If you want to excel in kettlebell sport or even sports in general, this book will help. However, those looking to just improve themselves physically will also be rewarded.
- Training Program Included – A 4-week training program will put your skills and knowledge to the test after you’re finished learning the technique of the snatch.
What People Are Saying:
Some customers have expressed these feelings about the product
In regards to who this book is for
Customer feedback: Experienced kettlebell users and beginners are both able to learn and digest the information at a reasonable pace.
In regards to the level of detail
Customer feedback: Thorough explanations and photos with no non-sense or fluff. All of the information is relevant and on point.
Kettlebell E-Book Roundup
The Cavemantraining collection of kettlebell e-books scale extremely well for beginners and veterans alike. We only touched the surface of books that instructor and author Taco Fleur has produced. There’s no bad apple in the bunch as he always put the maximum effort in his tutorials whether they are in book or video form.
If we had to choose just one, the Kettlebell Training Fundamentals ebook is probably the best overall choice. However, it comes down to personal preference as well as prior knowledge and experience. The Kettlebell Exercise Encyclopedia also deserves some recognition for the sheer amount of detail as it pertains to individual exercises you can do in your own home. We’re sure we’ll have some new additions for comparison at some point in the future!

Paperback & Hardcover Books
The following list of physical books has all received excellent reviews over the years. Sure, many are also available in digital format but sometimes there’s nothing like sitting down flipping through pages and immersing yourself the old-fashioned way. It’s also a great and easy way to share with friends or family who might be considering learning kettlebells themselves.
Most importantly, these books really zero in on certain goals or targets that you may be interested in. Weight loss, motivation and inspiration, kettlebell history, and of course technique make up the broad range of this group. You’ll read about success stories from the authors and how far they’ve progressed with their fitness. If they can do it, you certainly can too!
1. Kettlebell Rx: The Complete Guide for Athletes and Coaches
Author and internationally-known kettlebell instructor Jeff Martone cleverly blends training, development, and preparing for kettlebell sport. Totaling some 320 pages, the book is broken up into 3 parts with several sub-sections each. This book is designed for CrossFitters who want to incorporate kettlebells into their fitness routine.
Expect to learn basic kettlebell exercises like swings and cleans along with their popular variations. However, one of the more difficult exercises, the Turkish Get-Up, is also discussed and illustrated. Not one to overlook the finer details, Jeff points out the importance of flexibility and mobility for training as well.
The kettlebell sport section gives an overview and history as it relates to affiliated competitions. The tips, information, and advice included should offer valuable insight to prepare yourself for competitive lifting should you wish to pursue that. It even includes pointers on coaching for this emerging sport.
Kettlebell Book Features:
- Written by an Established Trainer – Jeff Martone holds many kettlebell certifications and also holds a black belt in two different styles of kung fu.
- Conditioning & Strength Building – Tone your body to the best of its ability and blow away your competitors with the knowledge learned.
- 4,000+ Photographs – Step-by-step photos show you precisely the moves you need to perform to succeed in your kettlebell training.
What People Are Saying:
Some customers have expressed these feelings about the product
In regards to training for kettlebell sport
Customer feedback: Very inspirational material and stoked a passion for long cycle training.
In regards to the topics covered
Customer feedback: While this might be too advanced for newcomers, novices and advanced kettlebellers are sure to love it.
2. Coconuts and Kettlebells
Written by health and fitness podcasters Noelle Tarr and Stefani Ruper, Coconuts and Kettlebells is chocked full of meal plans, recipes, and kettlebell workouts. While the book is primarily geared towards women, the same principles can be applied by men who want to lose weight. In fact, this might be the perfect book for couples looking to get in shape and stay motivated doing so.
The reason this book has been receiving rave reviews is that it changes the old mindset of needing to limit calorie intake. Instead, the recipes and meals give insight into choosing quality foods that your body craves. Everything from breakfast, sides, entrées, and treats are covered with a multitude of options. The vast selection ensures your taste buds won’t get bored in your weight loss journey.
The big question you might be wondering is how are the kettlebell workouts and fitness plan? They’re excellent! Kettlebell exercises are explained in detail with illustrations displaying proper technique. Information is also provided on how to avoid common mistakes with certain exercises. Mistakes that many other books fail to mention and end up hurting your performance.
The kettlebell workouts in the book are easy to follow and perfect for any skill level. You don’t need to be an expert to follow these workout plans, however, you’ll still be challenged even if you’re accustomed to using kettlebells. These short workouts don’t require a lot of time allowing you to focus on the other things in life.
Kettlebell Book Features:
- Dietery Plan Specific for Your Body – grains, dairy, vegetable oils, and refined sugar are usually banned in other diets. This book will test how your body responds to these things and help you devise a plan to restrict the ones that affect you the most.
- 4-Week Fitness Plans – All skill levels are included. No workout is longer than 30 minutes!
- Brilliantly Illustrated – Color photos for the meals and exercises show exactly what to expect in high detail.
What People Are Saying:
Some customers have expressed these feelings about the product
In regards to the quality of the recipes
Customer feedback: Easy-to-make recipes that are delicious and affordable. Enjoyed by husbands and wives alike!
In regards to the kettlebell exercises
Customer feedback: Teaches you that you can exercise less with kettlebells while getting positive results.
3. Kettlebell Simple & Sinister
In the world of kettlebells, no one is more recognized than Pavel Tsatsouline. As a former trainer for the Soviet Special Forces, he is widely responsible for popularizing the kettlebell in western culture. He has published numerous books on the subject as well as creating many instructional videos.
Pavel’s most popular book, Kettlebell Simple & Sinister, guides athletes on how to get the most out of their bodies by using the kettlebell. There is a little bit of history and reasoning as to why they are so effective, but the main emphasis is creating your own workouts with the knowledge provided. The training you will learn is indeed simple but punishing!
In order to fully appreciate just how life-changing this book can be, we encourage you to read through some of the 700+ reviews on Amazon. Many of them describe how the content within the book helped rehab broken bodies to be in better shape than ever before. These reviews read more like testimonials!
Kettlebell Book Features:
- Insight From A Master – Pavel dishes on what was once Russia’s best kept fitness secret. Learn from the man who revolutioned the kettlebell!
- Great for Athletes & Lifters – No matter what your sport, if you train with kettlebells you’ll be in a much better position to compete. This book specifically details proper technique and exercises to do just that.
- Simple Yet Sinister – There is no other way to describe it. Instructions are easy to follow but do not expect to breeze through the training!
What People Are Saying:
Some customers have expressed these feelings about the product
In regards to becoming a better athlete
Customer feedback: This book is a must read for any athlete who is serious about improving their strength, mobility, and endurance.
In regards to rehabbing with the training in the book
Customer feedback: The benefits are much more apparent and quicker than standard therapy.
4. The Swing!
The Swing!: Lose the Fat and Get Fit with This Revolutionary Kettlebell Program is all about, you guessed it, the kettlebell swing! What separates this book from the others is that it was written by a self-made fitness guru. Tracy Reifkind shares her story of how she lost 120 pounds by doing the kettlebell swing. If weight loss is your primary goal, this book is sure to inspire.
You might think you know everything there is about performing the kettlebell swing. Even if that’s true, we guarantee you’ll learn something new. Yes, you’ll learn the incorrect vs correct techniques for doing the swing. However, Tracy introduces a common household prop that really forces you to perform it the right way. It’s fool-proof!
Aside from learning everything there is to about the kettlebell swing, the included recipes will have you eating healthier. Tracy gives advice on how to manage food intake and avoid things that might seem healthy to the naked eye but are far from it. Following her combination of proper dieting and kettlebell exercising will yield weight loss results really quickly.
Kettlebell Book Features:
- Inspirational Story – Tracy wasn’t always in great shape. Learn how she overcame obesity and use that motivation to drive your weight loss quest!
- Flexible Workout Schedule – 4 hours a month is all that is required for Tracy’s workout routine. That’s 1 hour per week. No gimmicks!
- 1 Exercise – The kettlebell swing is the best exercise for losing weight quickly. Learn the right way to do it to maximize your workouts.
What People Are Saying:
Some customers have expressed these feelings about the product
In regards to how much weight has been lost
Customer feedback: Following the program, within 2 months 25 lbs were lost.
In regards to meal preperation and calorie intake
Customer feedback: Cooking your own meals and watching what you eat is just as important as the workouts.
5. RKC Book of Strength and Conditioning
The RKC Book of Strength and Conditioning can be considered as a “best of” compilation of workouts from expert kettlebell trainers and instructors. Suited for intermediate to advanced kettlebell users, you’ll learn how these trainers improved their bodies and those of their clients.
The Russian Kettlebell Challenge certification requires a set of both physical and mental skills to pass. With a failure rate at 30%, you’re assured that only the best trainers are giving their insights in this book.
In total, over 40 RKC trainers detail their favorite kettlebell workout or exercise. Some focus on strength, others on conditioning or weight loss. Having so many different and unique perspectives on kettlebell training makes it easy to follow your own path and goals.
The book includes a bonus section to help aspiring trainers in passing the RKC. Since tuition for certification can cost over $1000, having the tips on excelling during the 2-day event will certainly give you a better chance at success. Find out exactly if your body is up to the challenge!
Kettlebell Book Features:
- Workouts from 43 RKC Trainers – Whether you want to be a trainer yourself or learn from the best, there is no better collection of kettlebell workouts in 1 book.
- Proven Workouts – The workouts detailed in the book have helped these trainers and their clients get the desired results quickly.
- Bonus Section – If you’re looking to take the RKC yourself, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist Brett Jones dishes on what it takes to do so.
What People Are Saying:
Some customers have expressed these feelings about the product
In regards to the skill level suggested for reading this book
Customer feedback: You should know the fundamentals of kettlebell training and the book is recommended for skill levels of intermediate to advanced.
In regards to the structure of each workout
Customer feedback: There are programs on the longer side as well a singular workouts. Many different options to approach your own goals.
Kettlebell Physical Book Roundup
The question you must ask yourself is “What am I trying to achieve with kettlebells?” Is it strength and muscle building, weight loss, body sculpting and toning? Or perhaps a combination of all of those things? Once you have that figured out, choosing one of the physical books is easy.
No matter what your preference the option is there! Nothing quite beats the tangibility of reading from a paperback or hardcover book. No charging required or worrying about damaging your kindle or electronic device too!
If you’re still stumped, check out our comparison table below. We’ve made our picks for the best value, and hopefully can help you make yours!