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In my 10 years of coaching several hundred busy adults to swing a kettlebell to get into better shape, I’ve seen a common trend…

  • Hardworking men and women who are committed to their health and fitness.
  • Adults new to kettlebells and working out who never get into the kind of shape they dream about.
  • People who take class after class of boot camps and spinning and are constantly seeking the next exercise trend.
  • Busy adults who work out intensely, but don’t support their efforts with the right nutrition strategy…

And so often, these people struggle to get into better shape and lose weight. They struggle and don’t see any CHANGES. This happens because there’s no STRATEGY to their nutrition and workouts.

Look, I know you didn’t get into working out to learn how to breathe during Kettlebell Swings, tense certain muscles during your squat, count reps and sets, or understand the difference between fibrous carbs and starchy carbs. The truth is that if you want to look better and feel great without crash dieting or working out for hours on end, you’ve gotta find a system that fits your lifestyle.

Because I’m determined to help END silly cleanses and 60-minute go-to-you puke workouts, I decided to create a FREE workshop to help you lose weight with your kettlebell. This workshop is specifically for busy men and women who want to lose weight and get into better shape with their kettlebell. It’s called…

My 5-Step System for Losing Weight & Getting Results with Your Kettlebell

This system won’t require that you work out an hour a day for 6 days a week. Nor do you need to take any gross supplements. Instead, you’ll learn just how powerful the combination of proper nutrition and kettlebell exercises are for shedding weight and keeping it off.

In order to explain this system more thoroughly I’d like to invite you to my free webinar on Thursday, August 5th at 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT. Register your seat by clicking here. There is no obligation to join, however, I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We’ll be covering how to:

  • Follow a complete system for weight loss and strength that burns more calories in less time, so you have more time and energy to pursue your passions.
  • Use the Kettlebell Swing to burn fat like a furnace without hurting your back, so you don’t have to spend extra time doing cardio after you lift weights.
  • Eat the right foods at the right times to support your workouts and weight loss goal without taking gross shakes.
  • Create a sustainable workout plan that you can do for years to come without beating yourself down every workout.
  • Learn what it takes to finally lose weight and get stronger.

This workshop will be 45-60 minutes of value, education, practical strategies, and motivation to bring your fitness goals to life. I want you to leave with the confidence to move forward to change your health and be happy with your body. So, whether you’ve been struggling to get started working out or working out and not seeing the outcomes you want, this is for you.

This workshop is NOT for people looking for a quick fix or those who sign up for free challenges and never do the workouts. It’s for people who want to lose weight and get stronger in 12 weeks like my client, Jeff, who lost 15 pounds! Results like that don’t happen by accident. They happen through commitment, hard work and execution.

If you’re ready to get into better shape, join me on Thursday, August 5th at 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT. Register by clicking here. I hope to see you there!

Ryan Jankowitz

Ryan loves sharing his passion and knowledge for kettlebells. He’s a level 2 certified kettlebell instructor through Dragon Door’s Russian Kettlebell Certification program or RKC II for short. He uses online kettlebell programs to help men and women lose 10-15lbs., shed their spare tire and build lean muscle so that they can fit better in their clothes, look better naked and move like they did in their 20’s. Visit his website here: rjkettlebell.com
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