• Reading time:16 mins read

There are many people who now have a lot of time on their hands but very little spending money. The coronavirus has gripped the world like no other modern pandemic. Businesses shutting down, necessities out of stock, and a future of uncertainty have become the norm. However, we’re adjusting and for all the bad things you read about, plenty of good is still happening.

Entertainers have banded together to present live stream concerts from living rooms. Banks and other lenders are waiving fees and deferring payments. Those that want to help are doing what they can to pitch in. This is especially true in the fitness industry. Even though you can’t train in a gym, some of my favorite kettlebell instructors are offering some amazing freebies!

These are people I’ve been following for a while now and are well-respected in the fitness community. In fact, the 3 trainers listed below are all in my top 10 kettlebell accounts to follow on Instagram. It’s my belief that a trainer needs to do more than show proper form and technique. They should have compassion and genuinely care about their clients. From my experience and witnessing them interact with others, it’s apparent that these 3 indeed feel this way.

In no particular order here are some great fitness freebies that you can instantly get access to. It’s tough to not sink into a rut of depression with all this going on. Hopefully, these books and videos will provide some motivation and a spark to get your body and health on the right track.

Cavemantraining – Kettlebell Video Workout Course

Taco Fleur and Anna Junghans of Cavemantraining have a simple philosophy when it comes to kettlebell training – provide feedback only when asked. What does this mean? Enjoy the freedom that working out with kettlebells offers. Take them outside, post a video of yourself, and share with others your experience. If you wish to improve then ask for critique and they or their community members will respond with encouragement.

Currently, they’re offering a free online course that contains 9 kettlebell workouts. These workouts range from cardio, weight loss, flexibility, strength and more. Over 6 hours of video with also a detailed PDF of which these workouts can be scaled depending on your experience level. Whether you’re new to kettlebells or want to hone your skills, you won’t be disappointed.

This is a limited-time offer and I was told it will expire in a couple of weeks. So you’ll want to act quickly to get this freebie. Simply click on this link to take this course for free. The only thing I would ask is that you leave a review afterward and tell a friend. They’ve worked really hard to build an amazing community and any support would be much appreciated!

Jason Figorski – Bodyweight Workout Ebook

It’s been amazing to watch Jason Figorski ascend to Instagram stardom over these last couple of years. These days it’s not uncommon to see him working out with kettlebell superstar Eric Leija. Such accolades are well-deserved as Jason has formed a sub-niche of his own with his explosive movements. I like to think of him as a mobility master combining strength, speed, and grace with his creative kettlebell workouts.

Although the kettlebell is one of the primary pieces of equipment he uses, he’s no stranger to others. The good thing about his fitness freebie is that it requires no equipment at all! I’m not sure if that was intentional or by coincidence but the timing of this free ebook couldn’t be better. Fitness equipment is pretty much sold out everywhere which makes it difficult for newcomers to participate in weight-based workouts.

To get access to his bodyweight workout ebook, you just need to purchase it from this product page. There are 5 workouts included with instructions as well as some warmup exercises. Don’t worry, you won’t have to enter any billing information. I initially had an issue receiving this ebook but Jason responded to my email immediately and fixed the problem. Thanks, Jason!

Brittany van Schravendijk – Kettlebell Training Guide Ebook

Brittany, a world champion in kettlebell sport, is also living.fit kettlebell instructor for Kettlebell Kings. Her impressive credentials are equally matched with her video demonstrations and point-by-point narration. Although many of her tutorials show her using lighter kettlebells, her strength rivals that of men with much bigger body frames. Check out this 40KG (88 lb.!) Turkish get-up video as just one example.

For her fitness freebie, a detailed kettlebell training guide serves as an introduction for anyone interested in learning how to use this unique fitness tool. She answers common questions, details several beginner exercises, and provides a few workouts towards the end. Like the other trainers I’ve mentioned, she encourages those having difficulty to contact her for guidance.

Upon visiting her website, kbfitbritt.com you should see a pop up for the free guide. Just enter your email address and in a moment you’ll get the download link to the ebook. I don’t believe there is a time limit for accessing this guide, but mine as well grab it sooner than later!

Stay Motivated, Stay Positive

If anyone else has a fitness freebie of their own they’d like to share feel free to post in the comments below. I’ll review and approve if warranted. I know many of you are having trouble finding kettlebells here in the U.S. and elsewhere. I’ve been doing my best to connect with manufacturers and retailers to find a reliable source. One that has a solid reputation and not looking to profit by price gouging. It’s been sort of like playing whack-a-mole as inventories quickly get depleted within a day or two of my referring visitors.

The only advice I have is to ask around. You might have some luck on eBay but I guarantee you’re going to overpay with demand being so high. Just hang tight and hopefully in the coming weeks the big-name manufacturers will have their stock replenished. In the meantime, stay positive, be safe, and use this free time constructively!

Ryan Faucher

I'm a web designer and kettlebell enthusiast on a quest to lose fat, build muscles and live a healthier lifestyle. I truly believe that exercising with kettlebells in conjunction with dieting is the most effective and efficient way to reach this goal. If you have the will and motivation, there is no reason you can't do the same.
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