The workout below comes from Instagram fitness enthusiast Helena Larissa. Her dozens of videos on the platform have helped create a base of nearly 15,000 followers. While she may not have certifications you usually see with this amount of workout videos, there is no denying her passion for fitness.
The first part of this kettlebell workout consists of 3 kettlebell exercises: The goblet squat, deadlift, and lunge. What makes this interesting is the fact that the kettlebell is held in the upright position the whole time. There are no flips, swings or rotating of any sort. Watching it in motion, the emphasis is on movement on the vertical and horizontal planes.
1 Kettlebell Workout in 3 Supersets
If you’re unfamiliar with Instagram, there are navigational arrows in the video that will cycle through 3 different video clips. Each clip containing a superset of kettlebell exercises. What’s a superset? It’s a series of exercises that move from one to the next with no rest in between. As far we’re concerned, the phrase supersets and kettlebell flows are interchangeable.
Kettlebell exercises in Superset #1
- Goblet squat to kettlebell deadlift (repeated twice) to
- Right-leg kettlebell lunge to kettlebell deadlift to
- Left-leg kettlebell lunge to kettlebell deadlift
The video then shows step 1 is repeated and it is assumed this is the beginning of set #2 of this first superset.
Kettlebell exercises in Superset #2
- Two kettlebell swings to kettlebell deadlift to
- Two Goblet squats to kettlebell deadlift
After the last exercise, it starts over with the kettlebell swings and again, it appears to be the beginning of set #2 in this superset.
Kettlebell exercises in Superset #3
- kettlebell 1 leg deadlift to kettlebell deadlift to
- Right-leg kettlebell lunge
Just two exercises repeated after one another in this superset.
Our Thoughts On This Kettlebell Workout
Helena has created a very nice full-body workout. We didn’t even cover the floor exercises in each superset she did after the kettlebell exercises. In her description of this Instagram post, she mentions the effort required not just for your body, but also your memory. There is definitely a lot of focus and concentration involved.
Since we like to throw in extra challenges, if you’re feeling ambitious try changing those goblet squats into goblet thrusters. Regardless if you do, this is one hell of a workout!