Kettlebell Hip Hinge & Squat Deadlifts

Much like the kettlebell row, the kettlebell deadlift is a great way for beginners to get familiarized with kettlebell exercises. It is not a strenuous exercise by any means. However, it can be very effective in working out your back and leg muscles. It offers great scalability with how you can increase or decrease the weight amount without too much stress on your body.

Exercise Demonstration

Video courtesy of Cavemantraining

Whether you’re doing squat or hip hinge style the kettlebell(s) should be on the ground in front of you. If using one kettlebell use both hands to lift, otherwise you’ll grab each kettlebell with the appropriate hand. The term dead refers to the starting position of resting on the ground.

To perform the Hip Hinge Deadlift keep your legs straight and bend at the waist to lower your upper body towards the ground. Your back should remain as straight as possible and arms fully extended. Then, grab the kettlebell(s) and raise your upper body by bending back into an upright position.

The Squat Deadlift has you bending at the knees while keeping your back upright and straight to lower and grab the kettlebell(s). Then, lift by extending your legs to a standing position.

We recommend performing 10 reps for a set. Since this is an easier kettlebell exercise, the choice of how many sets to perform is at your discretion. Anywhere from 1-3 sets would be ideal to incorporate into a 20-minute workout session. Once you are comfortable with these kettlebell deadlifts you may want to check out other variations geared for an intermediate skill level.

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