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News From Stack52.com

Periodic Table of Kettlebell Exercises
Kettlebell exercises might be the most effective way to develop functional fitness, explosive power, and endurance. No wonder kettlebells are a staple for elite military units, fighters, and cross-fitters. Whether fitness is a matter of life and death, victory or defeat, or you just want to lose weight, kettlebells are a great choice. The basic kettlebell swing is on our short list of the best exercises for both men and women regardless of their fitness goals. Said another way, you should be doing kettlebell swings. You can thank us later.

The Kettlebell Periodic Table lists over 100 different exercises you can do with kettlebells. The table is arranged by muscle group horizontally. There are kettlebell exercises for your arms, back, chest, legs, shoulders, and abs. There are also compound full body movement exercises and cardio exercises you can do with kettlebells.”

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Kettlebell Krusher’s Take:

We love the Kettlebell Stack 52 cards because of how basic yet effective they can be for kettlebell exercises. First, a visual representation of the exercise is displayed. Furthermore, each card contains a brief set of instructions. Finally, a QR code is included that links to a video demonstration.

Now, the folks at Stack 52, have combined all those exercises into one giant kettlebell exercise chart. Consequently, each exercise is sorted by skill level and muscle group. Therefore, this kettlebell exercise chart becomes an excellent reference guide. You’ll be able to quickly target problem areas depending on the difficulty level.

Breaking Down the Kettlebell Exercise Chart

This kettlebell exercise poster features exercises from both the original Kettlebell Stack 52 card deck and also the expansion pack. Listed in a grid, the exercises increase in difficulty from left to right. You can easily locate a problem area to work on. Maybe you want to focus on your arms or legs. Or perhaps core muscles and cardio. Each muscle group is organized vertically in the kettlebell exercise chart.

The simplicity of the chart will allow new users to find each exercise by example graphics. Along with this image, the title of the exercise and a QR code is all that are needed. The QR code links to video demonstrations that you can scan with your phone for a quick reference. Once you’ve memorized each exercise, why not take it a step further by making a game out of it?

Converting the Kettlebell Exercise Chart into Cards

Stack 52 Kettlebell Exercise Cards
  • CONTAINS all 104 exercises in the Kettlebell Stack 52 Series. Difficulty ranges from beginner to advanced and targets every muscle group: Legs (19 exercises), Arms (9), Chest (8), Shoulders (7), Back (4), Abs (17), Cardio (19), and Full Body (21). Achieve elite fitness and become an expert with kettlebells.

The Stack 52 Kettlebell DUO Pack, takes all 104 kettlebell exercises from the kettlebell exercise chart. Each exercise is placed on individual cards. The same format of title, example image, and QR code are all intact. Also included are descriptions, recommended reps, difficulty rating, and color coding (for categorization). They’ve even included a suit and value if you want to use them as playing cards.

Using Kettlebell Exercise Cards for Random Workouts

The real benefit, however, is incorporating these cards into 20-minute kettlebell workout sessions. Each day, you can shuffle these cards for a random workout to keep things fresh. Take the original deck coupled with the expansion deck and shuffle them separately into two piles. Then, depending on your skill level, alternate between the main exercises and the more exotic exercises in the expansion pack. If you’re a beginner perhaps take 5 cards from the main deck before choosing one from the expansion deck.

Separating each exercise into its color category is also a great idea. Combine the two decks and then sort them into each of the 8 muscle groups to randomize your workout. By doing so, you may pick and choose which of those muscle groups you would like to focus on. In addition to a great workout, the possibilities of what exercise comes next will help prevent a stale routine!

Ryan Faucher

I'm a web designer and kettlebell enthusiast on a quest to lose fat, build muscles and live a healthier lifestyle. I truly believe that exercising with kettlebells in conjunction with dieting is the most effective and efficient way to reach this goal. If you have the will and motivation, there is no reason you can't do the same.
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