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News From Popsugar.com

“I recently had the chance to work out with Francheska Martinez, certified trainer and Animal Flow expert at Onnit, and she and I created a full-body workout you can do just about anywhere. Grab one kettlebell (Francheska and I used an 8-kilogram kettlebell) and make sure you have some space. We mixed together some basic kettlebell movements with Animal Flow exercises.

Here are the movements: one explosive deadlift, one high pull (which is a modification that eventually leads to an overhead snatch), one crab reach, and one side kick-through. You put the kettlebell down after the high pull and then move into the bodyweight exercises. That all equals one rep. Do four to five reps on each side, and do four sets in total with plenty of rest in between each set.”

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Kettlebell Krusher’s Take:

This kettlebell workout by Francheska Martinez and Gina Florio is as mesmerizing as it is intimidating. It certainly isn’t geared for newcomers to kettlebells. Besides integrating kettlebell exercises such as the deadlift and high pull, several other movements are used to combine them all into one smooth routine. Watching these two ladies in synchronization shows how dedicated they both are. There is a certain fluidity and gracefulness chaining all these movements together.

As Gina mentions in the article, the main priority when trying to perform this routine is to get the movements down. While keeping pace in the video would be a great way to start off, you should expect to move a little slower as you get a handle on this workout. Also, since speed is something you want to gradual increase, don’t over-do it with a heavy kettlebell. They recommend using an 8-kilogram bell which is close to 18 pounds. It might be tempting to go for a 25 or 30 pounder kettlebell, but range and dexterity should take priority over force.

As with all kettlebell exercises, plenty of rest is suggested between sets. Each set, being around 4 to 5 reps. This particular workout seems very beneficial to build strength in your core and leg muscles. If you find yourself enjoying this workout be sure to thank Gina and Francheska by commenting on their post!

Ryan Faucher

I'm a web designer and kettlebell enthusiast on a quest to lose fat, build muscles and live a healthier lifestyle. I truly believe that exercising with kettlebells in conjunction with dieting is the most effective and efficient way to reach this goal. If you have the will and motivation, there is no reason you can't do the same.
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