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News From medium.com

“It is an interesting observation in the fitness community, that there is so often a huge divide between the fitness goals people possess and the methods they use to attain them. You cannot fault people for this, because they simply do not know any better; they are putting in the effort and the time, and they are most likely not aware that they are going about things in the wrong way. When a fitness novice walks into a gym and sees the majority of the members toiling away on machines, it creates the implicit message that this is how you are “supposed” to workout. They may glance over at the kettlebell rack in curiosity, but the simple fact that nobody is using this equipment creates the impression that it is probably not what you should do at the gym. Functional fitness requires people to venture out into the unknown, to try movements that go counter to what their peers might be doing.”

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Kettlebell Krusher’s Take:

Most of the workouts I do are at home. When I started working out earlier this year for weight loss purposes, it always involved using a kettlebell. I was never into the idea of working out in public with strangers. Just as the author of this article described, I imagine gyms being divided into groups or “clicks” of people. Not that it is necessarily a bad thing, it’s just where would I fit in?

All of these ideas popped into my head before I did my research into the kettlebell craze. If you do a search for kettlebell training gyms across the U.S., most of them are well-reviewed. I’ve seen many pictures posted on these various gyms’ websites that show people of all types. You have older folks, people who have some weight, women, men, those with disabilities, etc. The point is, there is a lot of diversity when it comes to kettlebell classes. I haven’t read a single review where someone felt ostracized.

Perhaps a reason for this is just how attainable personal goals can be while doing kettlebell exercises. Weight loss, muscle strength, grip strength, or rehabbing an injury are all possible with kettlebell workouts. They will help you reach those goals faster than conventional exercises. That’s not to say it is an easy task, but the less time required to get to those goals, the more satisfied these kettlebell gym-goers are sure to be.

Ryan Faucher

I'm a web designer and kettlebell enthusiast on a quest to lose fat, build muscles and live a healthier lifestyle. I truly believe that exercising with kettlebells in conjunction with dieting is the most effective and efficient way to reach this goal. If you have the will and motivation, there is no reason you can't do the same.
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